Sisterhood Ladies Fellowship

Led by Rebbetzin Tara Stepakoff

  • Temple New Jerusalem is very blessed to have a Sisterhood that truly makes an impact in the ministry and in personal lives. The TNJ Sisterhood provides:
  • A fellowship of women who love the Lord Yeshua (Jesus), that will help us to grow in His love.
  • An opportunity to receive prayer and learn scripture in a way that is specific to the needs of women.
  • Strong friendships with other women of God.
  • A support and encouragement to the Rabbi and to our home congregation.
  • Help and charity for the poor, the needy, the sick, and the broken-hearted.
  • A living witness for Yeshua to the Jewish community, and a blessing for Israel.
  • Outreach to the lost and unsaved throughout greater Tampa Bay.
  • Development and exhortation to use whatever spiritual gifts which the Lord in His grace has given unto each of us.

Come join this amazing group of ladies for holiday get-to-gethers, annual Hannukah celebration and other festival parties, and our inspiring and life-changing Women's Retreats. All are welcome and we encourage inviting new people to the meetings.

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